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Protectores de pared 171WP Eagle

Art. no: 171WP
Product description
Our wall protectors help prevent damage to walls in areas with forklift, hand truck or drum traffic.
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Product Features
  • Made of high-visibility yellow, high-density polyethylene
  • Never need painting; and resist cracking and chipping
  • Can be mounted end to end and feature unique energy absorbing construction
  • Set of two
  • Anchors not included
Product description
Eagle Wall Protectors (Set of 2) help prevent damage to walls in areas with forklift, hand truck and drum traffic. These guards are made of high-visibility yellow, high density polyethylene (HDPE), never need painting, and resist cracking and chipping. Can be mounted end to end, and feature unique energy absorbing construction. Set of 2. Anchors not included.
Selling Points
  • Fabricados en polietileno de alta densidad de color amarillo con una gran visibilidad
  • Nunca necesitan ser pintados, y resisten al agrietamiento y al desconchado
  • Pueden montarse de extremo a extremo y cuentan con una construcción única para absorber energía
  • Juego de dos
  • Anclajes no incluidos
Especificaciones técnicas
Marca Eagle
Material Polietileno
proceso 10
Uso recomendado Para colocar alrededor de las columnas y vigas de almacenes y fábricas. Absorbe el impacto de los motores de remolque, minimizando los daños y lesiones en la columna, la carretilla elevadora y el personal