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Cubeto para Vertidos 84003 Justrite

Art. no: 84003
Product description
Cubeto duradero de polietileno que mantiene la zona de trabajo limpia alrededor de los bidones CLAP (HPLC) y atrapa cualquier fuga accidental de los tubos de entrada de CLAP (HPLC)
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Product Features
  • 19 Litros
  • 38 x 38 x 19 cm
Product description
The durable, polyethylene Spill Basin keeps work areas clean around the HPLC cans, and captures any leakage from HPLC inflow tubes. The basin provides additional protection from accidental “bumping” when cans are stored on the floor. Sized to accept Justrite’s two and five-gallon poly disposal cans with a 12" (305mm) diameter, this leakproof basin makes cleanup easy and offers a spill capacity of up to five gallons in accordance with EPA requirements. The translucent color detects spills even at a distance.
Selling Points
  • Mantiene la zona de trabajo limpia alrededor de los bidones CLAP (HPLC)
  • Atrapa cualquier fuga accidental de los tubos de entrada CLAP (HPLC)
  • Protects cans stored on floor against accidental bumping
Especificaciones técnicas
Marca Justrite
Material Polietileno
Intensidad de uso 1