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TuffTrak® ST TTST Checkers tappeti per la protezione del suolo da attrezzature pesanti

Arte. no: TTST
Descrizione del prodotto
Ultimate solid heavy duty road mat ideal for use as temporary roadways
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Product Features
  • Various connector options available for different ground conditions
  • 4 connector points, allowing seamless connection
Descrizione del prodotto
TuffTrak® ST is the ultimate standard heavy duty road mat ideal for use as temporary roadways, work areas for heavy plant and machinery, drilling rigs, depot or storage areas, and for site personnel. Incorporating a dual grip design featuring our chevron traction® surface, and a low profile surface on the reverse both incorporating micro traction™ to further increase grip. This substantially improves mud dispersal and forward motion of vehicles. TuffTrak® ST’s low profile surface reduces the risks of slips, trips, and falls. TuffTrak® ST has a range of connector options available for use with different ground conditions and projects, with 4 connector points at each corner allows mats to be seamlessly connected together.
Selling Points
  • Thickness: 38 mm
  • Usable surface area 7.5 m²
  • Pure compressive load capacity 150 tons*
  • Chevron traction® surface design
Specifiche tecniche
Specifiche generali
Marca Checkers
Sub brand TuffTrak™
Bordi Senza bordi
Processi Modanatura ad iniezione
Tipo di utilizzo Uso intenso
Istruzioni per la pulizia Lavare con tubo flessibile e acqua
Pulizia e Manutenzione Lavare con tubo flessibile e acqua
Note per la pulizia Hose off with water
Utilizzo consigliato Da usare come vie d’accesso temporanee, percorsi pedonali, aree di lavoro di impianti e macchinari, piattaforme per trivellazione, aree di deposito e stoccaggio.