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We have many safety items in our range. Are you looking for something specific? Then you can enter and search what you are looking for above.
Ergonomic Anti-Fatigue & Safety Matting
Dust Control Matting
Safety & Comfort for Standing Workers
Matting Solutions for a Stylish Yet Safe Entrance
Qualität & Sicherheit
Bei der Qualität gehen wir keine Kompromisse ein.
Die Superior Manufacturing Group stellt seit fast 50 Jahren Notrax Bodenbeläge für industrielle und gewerbliche Zwecke her. Unsere langjährige Erfahrung hat uns gezeigt, dass sich ein Superior Qualitätsprodukt bewährt. Alle Notrax® Matten sind aus den hochwertigsten Materialien und mit großer Fachkenntnis hergestellt .
The Science of Anti-Fatigue Matting
Installing anti-fatigue and safety matting is an investment in people. There is also good reason to believe that reduction of fatigue also reduces the occurrence of accidents and improves general work efficiency. This may also go hand-in-hand with the desire to reduce slips and falls. There are fewer days lost to injuries, fewer medical claims, and compliance with new health and safety requirements.
Notrax® floor mats are made of specific formulations and designs that provide fatigue relief which will contribute to increased productivity and employee satisfaction.
At Justrite, everything starts with safety. For over a century, we have protected workers, workplaces and the environment with a comprehensive range of industrial safety solutions.
Approvals & Compliances
Approvals & Compliances
At Justrite, everything starts with safety. For over a century, we have protected workers, workplaces and the environment with a comprehensive range of industrial safety solutions.