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HPLC-veiligheidsbakken voor laboratoria

Laboratory HPLC safety disposal cans and containers feature quick-disconnect features and coalescing carbon filters to keep laboratory and personnel safe with a compliant, environmentally-friendly solution to waste collection. HPLC waste containers are ideal for vapor and fire protection, safeguarding against accidental spills, and maximizing safety and convenience.
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FAQ over HPLC-veiligheidsbakken voor laboratoria
Is the coalescing carbon filter always required when using the HPLC waste disposal can?
The carbon filter gathers all hazardous vapors generated in the HPLC process, that go inside the can. It is not always required, as long as a fume hood that can gather these volatile organic compounds is in use.
Does the HPLC waste disposal can need to be grounded?
Yes, during disposal. Grounding is not necessary during use.
Is there a maximum of HPLC outlet tubes that can be connected to an HPLC waste disposal can?
The number of outlet tubes that can be connected to an HPLC waste disposal can at the same will depend on the amount of waste lines from the machine or the number of machines. Usually, one can should be enough for two HPLC machines, with the possibility of stacking two manifolds together.