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Veuillez noter que notre site Web fera l'objet d'une maintenance programmée le 18-06-24 de 13h00 à 16h00.

Pendant cette période, le site Web peut être temporairement indisponible car nous travaillons à améliorer votre expérience de navigation.

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Our latest news

Promoting a clean & safe environment in your gym

As gyms & saunas across Europe begin to open their doors for the first time in several months, there will need to be a lot of changes put in place in order to adhere to the strict safety guidelines for customers and staff.

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The Importance of Sanitizing Shoes during COVID-19

We know that washing your hands and keeping a social distance from people is incredibly important to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus right now. 

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Entrance Matting for Public Buildings

Entrance matting is the first line of defence in keeping dirt and debris from entering the building and can remove up to 80% of dirt. 

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More than just a logo mat

What is the first thing that comes to your mind when we say: logo ­­mats?   I bet you said, “entrance mat” or “doormat”, right? Although it is true that most logo mats are used in entrances, you can use it for more than just a doormat.

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Chez Justrite Safety Group, tout commence par la sécurité. Chacune de nos marques se concentre sur une facette différente de la sécurité organisationnelle au travail. Cliquez sur une marque pour en savoir plus sur son histoire, sa philosophie et sa gamme de produits.

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Industries we work for

Different industries have different working environments. This means our safety solutions have to adapt. Click below to see the unique set of solutions we offer for your industry.

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Approbations et conformités